Friday, April 19, 2013

Learning Architectural Photography

I have a confession to make. I'm a serial blog creator. That may not seem like much of a confession, but if you only knew what that represented in "great ideas" and abortive efforts--the loneliness of the inconsistent blogger. I've started blogs on writing, on library science, on research, on local sites, and on a variety of photography topics.

Well, here's another one.


I took up photography in August of 2010. It's easy to pin that date down, because it was the occasion of a big family trip out to Colorado. I'd been trying for about 30 years to do something creative. I tried my hand at art, landscape design, music, and writing, but I found that I either stunk at these pursuits, or I lacked the passion to maintain them. Writing is one I kept coming back to, only problem was I didn't like to write.

Anyhow, in August of 2010, I picked up a camera on our family vacation, and I couldn't put it down. I found myself getting out of bed early to go and shoot, and that's highly unusual for me. I researched and read everything I could get my hands on. I started a pro account with Flickr. I began to add lenses and light modifiers to my collection. I shot everything that did or didn't move.

So here I am now, trying to learn architectural photography. I work in downtown Cincinnati and I have plenty of opportunities to work on this. I keep running into problems though--problems with access to buildings, converging vertical lines, ignorance of architectural history and trends, the elements, crowds, security, gear limitations, etc. I research and ask questions, but the progress is slow.

That's why I'm starting this blog. I want a place where I can direct and share my education as it happens. If I have to struggle to learn some of this, I hope it helps some of you. I look forward to sharing this journey, and seeing some really cool photography.

Good luck,

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