Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Numbers Game

The "Numbers Game" is a losing game. I spend way too much time looking for a virtual pat on the head, and not as much time as I need to improve my photos. I want to share my photos, but why? Is it some competitive streak in me to be better without really working harder?

I put a photo up, hoping for numbers--some kind of positive feedback. Then, disappointed with my results, I post another photo that requires the same effort, hoping for different results. When the results are the same, I try a different social network--or perhaps more social networks.

If I spent more time making my photos better and less time posting them and checking the stats, I would progress more quickly. I know that.

I think that I don't feel that my photos have any worth unless they're recognized. If I felt more secure about my photography, I would probably just quietly go about with improving, and let the chips fall where they may.

Here is a video by Matthew Coughlin that sums it up quite nicely:

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